SEO 2023: The Comprehensive Guide to Dominating Search Engines


SEO is the best method to obtain free and targeted traffic, leading to increased profits. After reading this guide, you’ll be able to effortlessly dominate Google and Bing search engines in 2023, despite the numerous updates that have occurred.
Whether you’re targeting Google or Bing, this comprehensive SEO guide will position you at the top of search results. It’s the perfect place to learn about SEO.
What you’ll read today in the field of SEO might be unfamiliar, or you may have heard of it but not tried it. Therefore, everything you’ll see in this guide has been tested in various fields and languages, whether they’re Arabic or foreign websites. You’ll be able to achieve the #1 spot on Google and the #2 spot on Bing search engines because each search engine has its unique characteristics. Additionally, the strategies used to rank on Google are not the same as those used on Bing.
In this SEO guide, we’ll primarily focus on the Google search engine, as it continues to hold the largest share of search operations worldwide, especially in the Arab world.
Moreover, if you’re a beginner and have no knowledge about SEO, you’ll be able to master this field simply by reading this guide from start to finish and implementing everything mentioned in it.


Before we begin, what is SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, refers to the process of optimizing websites or web pages according to search engine requirements to achieve higher rankings in search engine results, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. This involves factors that your website needs to fulfill in order to achieve favorable positions in search engine results.

Google has not fully disclosed these factors, but by implementing what we will explain to you today, you can achieve top rankings in search engine results.

And now, let us uncover the secrets of SEO.

1- Artificial Intelligence and User Experience.

In 2017, Google announced that Artificial Intelligence, commonly referred to as “RankBrain,” had become the third most important ranking factor. Notably, at the beginning of 2023, the marketing team noticed that “RankBrain” had become one of the factors responsible for ranking website pages in Google search engine results.
Google RankBrain – SEO 2022: The Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Search Engine Rankings [Updates] So, what exactly is “RankBrain,” and how can I optimize my website for Google search engine ranking? RankBrain is an automated system that assists Google in sorting its search results. This system relies on several factors, including Dwell Time and CTR.
The role of this system involves analyzing and measuring how users interact with search results, and then ranking website pages based on user engagement with those results.
Allow me to provide you with a practical example to better understand “RankBrain.”
SEO 2022: The Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Search Engine Rankings [Updates] Let’s say a user searches for the term “Amazon affiliate” and ignores the result at #1, opting to click on the result at #3. What’s even more noteworthy is that this user spends more than 5 minutes on the site.
Here’s what will happen: “RankBrain” will send signals to Google that the result at #3 is the best fit for the search term “Amazon affiliate.” After about a week, the ranking for result #3 will rise to the top position in the Google search engine.
So, if you’re interested in the field of SEO, it’s crucial to focus more and more on “RankBrain.”
But don’t worry, “RankBrain” isn’t overly complex; it relies on just two factors: “Visitor Dwell Time on Your Page and CTR.”

In your article, you mentioned that you have conducted several experiments in 2021 and early 2022 to keep customers engaged on your website. The method you found is quite simple.

You suggest going to YouTube and searching for the best video related to the topic of your article. For example, if you’re discussing “SEO and the best ways to get high-quality backlinks,” you should search on YouTube for the best sources to obtain high-quality backlinks and add that valuable and informative video to your article.

Now, you’ve ensured that the customer will stay on your page for a longer duration. However, initially, how do you make them click on your page in Google search?

It’s important to know that what the customer sees in the search engine results is the “title and description.” Therefore, try to make them stand out to ensure that the customer will click on your page, thus increasing your Click-Through Rate (CTR).

If you’re a WordPress user, I recommend adding the “Yoast SEO” plugin, as it will enable you to edit the title and description on your website.

However, if you lack experience in the field of “Copywriting,” I advise you to use the website “Headline Analyzer.” This site evaluates your article’s headline on a scale of 0 to 100, and the higher your headline’s score is above 60%, the better.

As you can see in this image, I attempted to change the headline multiple times to ensure I obtain the best possible title!

Perhaps you have not yet understood the importance of raising the “CTR” in improving your ranking in the Google search engine. If watch this video!

2- Backlinks

In the world of SEO, the end is nothing but the beginning. Once you’ve finished writing your article, you must begin building strong backlinks and also acquire “Social Signals,” which are engagements on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit.

Since 2012, Google and Bing have changed all their ranking criteria, but backlinks have remained an important factor, especially in the Bing search engine. After numerous experiments, I noticed that Bing doesn’t prioritize the quality of backlinks as much as Google does.

Bing is more concerned with quantity than quality when it comes to backlinks. However, this doesn’t mean you should engage in spammy backlink practices, as that could lead to your website being penalized.

1- What is a backlink?

First, let’s agree that a backlink (or external link) is a collection of links that point to your website and are located on other websites, directing visitors from those sites to your blog or website!

Absolutely, the number and quality of backlinks play a significant role in strengthening your website’s presence on global search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and most importantly, Google. They make a difference between websites and are among the most crucial criteria for climbing search results and reaching the top positions.

An important point to note before starting: if your website is new and hasn’t been active for a couple of months, I wouldn’t recommend rapidly building backlinks. Doing so might raise suspicions about your site, which isn’t beneficial. Therefore, the best approach if your website is less than two months old is to initially rely on “Social Signals.” After that, start building backlinks at a maximum rate of two per day. During this period, focus more on quality than quantity because this time frame will determine the fate of your website.

2- Build backlinks through social media and acquire “Social Signals.”

The best way to start is by utilizing social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and others. This method ensures that you obtain high-quality backlinks and also acquire traffic and “Social Signals,” which have become an important factor in search engines.

The best websites for obtaining high-quality backlinks and traffic simultaneously include:

  • YouTube: If you can create visual content (videos) on YouTube, it would be the best platform to send signals to search engines. Additionally, you’ll gain targeted and high-quality traffic, and most importantly, you’ll obtain valuable backlinks.
  • Twitter: Twitter holds the highest influence on website rankings in search engines, especially during seasonal searches related to specific times, such as live broadcasts, breaking news, TV shows, and more. Moreover, the quality of your backlinks improves as your tweets get shared. You can consider purchasing retweets, but it’s important that the account doing the retweeting is somewhat established to avoid suspicion from search engines.
  • Pinterest: How about obtaining high-quality backlinks while also appearing in Google Images search results? You get two birds with one stone. If you’re interested, I recommend sharing your images on Pinterest. Unlike competing platforms like Instagram or Flickr, Pinterest is optimized internally for search engine bots, making it more likely to appear in search results due to its openness to bots.
  • Medium: This platform isn’t only for obtaining backlinks; you can leverage Medium’s authority to rank for challenging keywords. For instance, you can write an article on Medium about a competitive keyword, gather traffic and social signals from YouTube and Twitter, then index the article in search engines. Afterward, head to Medium, copy the crucial points from your original article, create an anchor text for the targeted keyword, and get backlinks. Index your Medium article in search engines, wait for two days, and index your website.

For example, if you want this page to rank for the keyword “SEO,” you could write an 800-word article on Medium, create an anchor text as follows for the keyword you want to compete for, like “SEO.”

Now, get backlinks of any type for your article on “Medium,” which contains a backlink to your website. Index your Medium article in search engines so that the backlink it contains gets indexed as well. Wait for two days, then index your website.

For instance, if I want to make this page rank at the top of search engines for the keyword “SEO,” I would write an article of around 800 words on “Medium” and create an “Anchor Text” for my article as follows, targeting the keyword “سيو” (which means “SEO” in Arabic).

This method is tried and tested, and more importantly, it won’t lead to any penalties, as long as your “Medium” article isn’t an exact copy of the one on your website.

  • Tumblr: Same principle as “Medium.”
  • Pocket: Same principle as “Pinterest.”
  • Reddit: This platform is one of the best for obtaining fantastic traffic and high-quality backlinks. The more “Upvotes” your site receives, the higher the quality of the backlink you’ll get. If you’re involved in viral content or news, Reddit is a treasure trove. The secret to getting “Upvotes” and visits to your site lies in playing on emotions when crafting headlines.

You can also create accounts on Instagram and “Digg.” In truth, there are countless ways to acquire high-quality backlinks for your website. I can’t cover all the points in this general SEO article. Perhaps we’ll explore all these methods in a comprehensive backlinks guide in the future.

Remember, to achieve good results in SEO, you’ll need specialized SEO tools that can significantly enhance your search engine rankings. However, these tools can be expensive, reaching up to $497 monthly. I recommend reading a guide that shares the best free SEO tools that every marketer should use.

If you’re deeply interested in high-quality backlink strategies to dominate search engine rankings, I recommend reading a comprehensive guide that covers everything except “Web 2.0.” Nevertheless, this article remains the best guide for SEO and backlinks in 2023: “The Ultimate Arabic Guide to Backlinks in 2023.”

3- On-Page SEO (Internal Site Optimization)

Indeed, while we discussed backlinks before on-page SEO, the importance of on-page SEO cannot be underestimated. Even with the best backlinks, without proper on-page SEO, you may struggle to rank well in search engine results. On-page SEO is one of the most crucial factors that contribute to ranking well and appearing in the top positions. It encompasses various elements, which we’ll delve into below:

First: Prioritizing Template Loading Speed

The loading speed of your website’s template has a significant impact on search engine rankings. You might wonder, “What does the speed of the template have to do with search results?” The answer is quite simple: Imagine yourself as a visitor to a website that loads very slowly, taking a considerable amount of time to open pages and display images. Would you stay on that website?

Certainly not. You’d likely leave. A straightforward example of this is your continued reading of this article. The fact that you’ve read this far indicates that the website is fast; otherwise, you might not have continued. When a website is slow, it increases the bounce rate, which can have a negative impact on search results.

Second: Adding an Engaging Title and Description for the Blog

The name and description of your blog are also important aspects that fall under the topic of improving on-page SEO for your website. You can set a description and title for your blog by going to the settings, selecting “Basic,” and then entering the title and description. If you’re using WordPress, you can use Yoast SEO. If you’re using Blogger, you can do it as follows:

Internal SEO It’s preferable to write a description for each individual post because this significantly contributes to ranking in search results. In Blogger, you can achieve this by opening the post you want to add a description to, selecting “Search Description,” and then writing an informative description that summarizes the content of the post. This practice helps search engines understand your content better and can improve your rankings.

Third: Increasing Visitor Session Duration

Absolutely, you’re absolutely right. The term “Session Duration” refers to the concept of keeping visitors on your website for as long as possible, whether they stay on the same page or explore other pages within your site. The key is to encourage them to spend an extended period of time on your website.

To achieve this, you need to create comprehensive and informative content, much like what you see on a marketer’s website. Your articles should provide ample information and be presented in an engaging writing style that captivates the reader. Incorporating explanatory images can further enhance the reader’s understanding of your content. Lastly, including links to other relevant articles within your site can encourage visitors to explore more content.

By implementing these strategies, you can create an environment where visitors are motivated to stay longer on your website, thus positively impacting session duration. This engagement is a valuable signal to search engines that your content is relevant and valuable to users, potentially leading to improved search engine rankings.

Fourth: Focusing on Improving Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is indeed a critical metric that significantly impacts a website’s performance, and it is closely related to on-page SEO. Bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who navigate away from your website after viewing only one page. This metric is used by search engine crawlers to assess the relevance and quality of your content, as well as the overall user experience your website provides.

Here are some tips to reduce bounce rate and improve the user experience on your website:

  1. Improve Writing Style: Create engaging and compelling content that captures visitors’ attention and encourages them to explore further. Use clear headings, concise paragraphs, and relevant images to enhance readability.
  2. Regular Content Updates: Keep your content fresh and up-to-date to provide visitors with relevant and accurate information. Regular updates can encourage repeat visits and longer session durations.
  3. Proper Keyword Targeting: Ensure that your content is optimized for relevant keywords and topics. This helps attract the right audience and ensures that visitors find what they are looking for on your site.
  4. Site Design and Formatting: Maintain a clean and organized website design. Make sure that your site is easy to navigate, with clear menus and intuitive layout.
  5. Page Load Speed: Optimize your website’s performance to ensure fast page load times. Slow-loading pages can frustrate visitors and lead to higher bounce rates.
  6. Mobile Compatibility: Ensure that your website is responsive and mobile-friendly. Many visitors access websites from mobile devices, and a poor mobile experience can lead to higher bounce rates.
  7. Create Engaging Content: Provide high-quality, relevant, and valuable content that answers visitors’ questions and addresses their needs.
  8. Internal Linking: Include relevant internal links within your content to guide visitors to related articles or pages. This can encourage them to explore more of your website.
  9. Engage with Users: Encourage user engagement through comments, social media sharing, and interactive features. Engaged users are more likely to stay longer on your site.
  10. Answer Visitor Questions: Anticipate and address potential questions and concerns that visitors might have about your content. Providing comprehensive information can keep them engaged.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a positive user experience that encourages visitors to explore multiple pages, spend more time on your website, and ultimately reduce bounce rate. This, in turn, can contribute to improved search engine rankings and overall website success.

It seems like you’ve provided a detailed set of tips and advice related to SEO and website optimization in Arabic. I’ll do my best to provide an English translation for each point:

  1. Focus on Website Images: Google’s image search should not be underestimated. Many visitors come to your website through it. Always ensure your website images are good, respectful, high-quality, and include relevant keywords. Also, optimize image sizes to improve your website’s speed. I highly recommend using a website that can help reduce image size by up to 70% without compromising quality.
  2. Add Your Website to Google Search Console: Google Search Console is essential for analyzing and evaluating your website’s performance. It helps maintain your website’s visibility in search results and identifies and helps solve issues that might hinder your site’s appearance. Specialized guides are available for mastering Google Search Console tools.
  3. Be Specialized: After Google’s 2016 “Hummingbird” update, specializing in a niche became crucial. General websites experienced negative effects due to this update. Google aims to display the best results for searchers, and it’s been found that specialized sites tend to perform better. Being specialized in a specific field or niche can lead to increased traffic from Google.
  4. SEO in 2023: Comprehensive Guide for Search Engine Dominance: To excel in SEO in 2023, it’s advised to specialize in a specific niche. The concept of “Money in the niche” applies. Despite advancements in AI by Google and Bing, some assistance is still needed. For example, specializing in a broader category like “health” is not enough. Going for a narrower niche like “healthy foods” or even a “Micro Niche” like “healthy herbs” is more effective. Being highly specialized is vital for search engine dominance, especially with Google.
  5. Do Your Best: Recent updates from Google and Bing require higher quality content. Quantity alone is not enough. Quality articles on your website are now more important than keyword placement. In 2022, SEO has become somewhat complex. Success isn’t solely dependent on the number of articles on your site but on the quality of those articles. Your effort and dedication matter.

Please note that translations may not capture all nuances, but I hope this gives you a good understanding of the points you’ve outlined. If you have any further questions or need more assistance, feel free to ask!

Certainly, here’s the translation of your provided text:

  1. How to Write a Comprehensive and Outstanding Article:
    • Research your competitors in search engines for the chosen keyword.
    • Read their articles.
    • Fill the gap in the article ranking #1 with information from articles #2 and #3.
    • Explore forums and understand your audience’s queries.
    • Collect and incorporate this information into your article.
    • Publish your article. Following these steps, there’s an 80% chance you’ll rank #1 if you’ve followed the instructions.
  2. But the Process Isn’t Over:
    • After writing a great title with high-quality backlinks, it’s time for updates.
    • Visit Google’s Webmaster website.
    • Go to “Search Analytics” under “Traffic Search.”
    • Search for keywords with high “Impressions” but lower rankings.
    • Add these keywords to your article, expanding on them, and perhaps making them <H1> headings.
    • After adding these keywords, re-index your website.
  3. This Approach Makes Your Article Comprehensive:
    • When a customer enters your article, they won’t need to look for another. They’ve found what they need.

Important Point: If you haven’t written an article yet and want to conduct “Keyword Research,” consider these websites:

  1. SEO for Mobile Phones and Website Speed – Mobile SEO:
    • Imagine receiving free, targeted traffic for your Shopify or WooCommerce store, but potential customers wait 10 seconds for the page to load.
    • Slow loading times can deter visitors, affecting your recognition.
    • Hence, website speed is crucial, even a core Google factor. For SEO in 2022, focus on your site’s speed.

Please note that some phrases may vary based on context, and translations might not capture all nuances, but I hope this translation provides you with a clear understanding of the main points. If you have any further questions or need more assistance, feel free to ask!

You can check your website speed here: PageSpeed Insights.

Summary – SEO in 2023:

SEO in the future will focus on three main aspects:

  1. Artificial Intelligence – RankBrain.
  2. Mobile SEO.
  3. Voice Search – “Voice Search.”

This article isn’t finished yet and will continue to be updated every month, with the intention of sharing more SEO knowledge and upcoming updates. It’s important to note that only 2% of the SEO world has been covered in this article, as SEO is a vast field. As I continue to learn more about SEO, I’ll share my insights and updates.

I haven’t mentioned “AMP” because I’m still analyzing its specific results. Now it’s your turn – feel free to share in the comments what you would like us to discuss or add. A dedicated article for SEO on the Bing search engine will also be provided.

(Note: The translation is accurate but may vary slightly to ensure coherence and clarity in English.)

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