Advanced CSS + Javascript Course for free


Elevate Your Front-End Expertise to New Heights

Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of advanced front-end development, where you’ll master the creation of captivating animations, harness the power of cutting-edge code libraries, and seamlessly retrieve data from external sources.

Introducing a Flexible 4-Week Online Course

Unveil the intricacies of advanced front-end skills through a dynamic and flexible 4-week online course. Elevate your capabilities by acquiring the proficiency to craft intricate animations, integrate novel code libraries, and seamlessly integrate data from diverse websites using APIs and Ajax.

Tailored for Those Ready to Dive Deeper

Designed to empower individuals well-versed in HTML, and CSS, and possessing a foundational grasp of Javascript, this course provides an immersive experience for those eager to delve deeper into the art of front-end development.

Perfect for Graduates of our Javascript for Designers Course

A natural progression for students who have completed our Javascript for Designers course, this offering is the ideal pathway to further refinement and innovation.

Key Learning Objectives

  1. Master the Creation and Animation of SVGs: Acquire the skills to craft intricate SVGs, infusing your designs with captivating background effects and seamless shape morphing.
  2. Seamless Data Integration via Ajax: Harness the power of Ajax to seamlessly pull content from external sites like Giphy, seamlessly presenting it within your web environment.
  3. Exploring Open-Source Libraries and Plugins: Gain expertise in leveraging open-source code libraries and plugins sourced from GitHub, elevating the sophistication of your projects.
  4. The Vanguard of Modern CSS and Javascript: Immerse yourself in the latest advancements in CSS and Javascript, enriching your codebase with elegance and future-proofing capabilities.
  5. Mastering Scroll-Based Effects: Elevate user experience with advanced scrolling events, skillfully crafting tasteful parallax effects that captivate and engage.
  6. Performance Optimization: Equip yourself with the ability to identify and address performance bottlenecks, ensuring seamless and speedy website functionality.

Who Can Benefit from This Course

Ideal for individuals already proficient in front-end development, seeking to elevate their command over Javascript and CSS. If you’re eager to tackle intricate code challenges and amplify the functionality of your projects, this course is your definitive next step. For those still establishing their CSS and Javascript foundations, we recommend first completing our Foundation HTML, CSS + JS course and Javascript for Designers course.

Diverse Industry Applicability

While our course attracts a significant number of creative industry professionals, including designers, strategists, and copywriters, it’s open to individuals from all industries eager to refine their front-end prowess.

Prerequisites for Enrollment

To embark on this enriching journey, all you need is a computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) equipped with the latest Chrome browser version and a reliable broadband internet connection. With these essentials in place, you’re ready to immerse yourself in a world of advanced front-end mastery.


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